ISOTECH laboratories Inc. World Class Laboratory. Worldwide Service.
High-Precision Isotopic Analysis

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Why Isotech > Instrumentation

Staff/Facilities | Quality Assurance/Quality Control

12 Isotope Ratio Spectrometers equipped for both compound specific isotope
analysis of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen isotopes and high-precision dual inlet analysis of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
All instruments are installed in a dedicated room with uninterruptible power supply and a back-up generator to ensure that samples will not be lost due to a power failure during analysis.
23 Gas Chromatographs for compositional analysis of gases and for preparation of gas samples for isotopic analysis of different species;several are interfaced with vacuum systems for sample preparation.
Four Low Level Liquid Scintillation Spectrometers in a temperature-controlled environment for Beta counting of tritium.
Picarro CRDS laser for water isotope analysis.

woman in labElectrolytic enrichment for low-level tritium analysis is carried out in glass electrolysis cells cooled in a refrigerated water bath.

In addition to routine laboratory facilities such as drying ovens and fume hoods, Isotech maintains numerous glass and metal vacuum systems for various sample preparation procedures.




 © 2020 Stratum Reservoir (Isotech) 1308 Parkland Court | Champaign Illinois 61821